Because there's so much life between Sundays, there's Sermons-On-The-Go to help you grow in the Christian faith.
60 episodes
Christmas Series 2024 - "O, Come Let Us Adore Him" - Part 1 "How to Worship"
Do you worship in spirit and in truth? Exodus 20 teaches us some prerequisites of worshipping the Savior this Christmas. (Sermon idea from, "The Way to Worship" by Dr. Adrian Rogers.)
Colossians Series - "Jesus Is Greater" - #1: The Call to Discipleship
Are you still growing in wisdom and spiritual understanding? You should be, because God has called each of us to personal discipleship. (Colossians 1:9-11, 29)
Right On the Money Series: #1 - Esteem Money Righteously
Money... Esteem it righteously or it will destroy you! (1 Timothy 6)
Is God a Democrat or Republican? (2024 - Judges 5 & 1 Sam. 8)
God has forever been involved in government and is able to change the course of entire nations and their leaders. But which side is He on? Does He even choose sides? The answer may surprise you.
Go Out & Live (Sermon #7 in the "We Will" series)
Political Correctness is the art of "almost" saying something. But as believers in Christ we must not sugar-coat the truth. We must speak the truth and live it out so others may come to know Him.
Go Out & Live (Sermon #6 in the "We Will" series)
Jesus said we're to be salty Christians in this world. In fact, we're God's only plan for preventing sin, rot and decay. By being salt, we preserve righteousness. Stay salty, friends! (Mt. 5:13 and Lev. 2)
Show Up & Serve (Sermon #5 in the "We Will" series)
The way to be a good church member is to show up and be one! Romans 12:3-8 tells is what it looks like and why its important.
Show Up & Serve (Sermon #4 in the “We Will” series)
How do you serve? Romans 12:1-2 teaches that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. Only then are able to know God's perfect will and the ways He wants us to serve on the body of Christ.
Show Up & Serve (Sermon #3 in the “WE WILL” series)
If you're searching to find the starting point for what God is calling you to do, you'll find it in three simple words God spoke to His people through Isaiah. (Isaiah 42:1-3)
Show Up & Love (Sermon #2 in the “We Will” series)
In 2012 when the NFL Referees went on strike, referees who were less-trained and underqualified had to be substituted-in. As a result, numerous bad judgment calls were made--some effecting the outcome of the game. &...
Show Up & Love (Sermon #1 in the “We Will” series)
In John 13:34-35, Jesus gives the church an effective means for reaching people for Him: "Love One Another." (Some statements and ideas originating from Stephen Sheane's sermon on love, posted on
Here, I Raise My Ebenezer - 1 Sam. 7:12
As we walk faithfully with God, we are sure to encounter times and places where God proves Himself faithful. Such spiritual markers remind us that it's by His help alone that we've come this far.
Jumping Thru "Oops!" - How To Make Sure Next Time Won't Be Like Last Time: #3 - Get Moving!
You've evaluated your sin, owned it and confessed it--now what? Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us to get back in the race and get moving.
Jumping Thru "Oops!": How To Make Sure Next Time Won't Be Like Last Time - #2: Confess It
If you find yourself committing the same sin over and over again, you need to ensure that your next move is the right move. (Sermon title and main ideas by James MacDonald.)
Revelation 1:1-6 Can You See Me Now?
The word Revelation (Apocalypse) means "to unveil, reveal or uncover." It is the unveiling of Jesus Christ in all His power and glory, both now and in the Last Days. Jesus wants us to see Him for who He truly is--He Is Lord!!! (Outline and seve...
LIVE and LET LIVE (The Sanctity of Human Life)
With recent state governors signing bills allowing the murder of the unborn right up to the time of birth, we would do well to be revere God's view of life.
How to Keep Marriage from becoming a LIFE and DEBT Situation (#4-Right On the Money-Series)
Did you know most of the couples in America that are making at least $75,000 per year or more are still not able to pay cash for a $500 auto repair bill? Worse, on average they owe $8,000 in credit card debt, as well. They are in a LIFE & D...
How to be the Cheerful Giver of a Generous Gift (#3-Right On the Money-Series)
Some people give because they feel they HAVE TO; Some people give because they feel they OUGHT TO; Cheerful givers give because they WANT TO. Let this message from 2 Cor. 9:1-7 challenge you to becomethe latter.
Sermon on the Amount (#2-Right On the Money-Series)
There’s one thing faithful tithers share in common: they’ve tested God and found His promises to be true regarding money.
Learning to Esteem Money Righteously (#1-Right On the Money-Series)
Has there been any good fights in your home over money? Money is a blessing, but it can ruin our lives if we fail to esteem it righteously and handle it Biblically.